Welcome to our Online Healing Support Program!

Frank Alix
Jul 5, 2018
Welcome and thank you for signing up! As a Student, you have access to:
  • Healing Support Program - Ten-week program beginning that covers the Start Healing presentation and other materials on the site. You could review the weekly online video sessions privately, or use the online sessions to start a healing support group. To get started, please review the presentation on the Healing Support Program, available on the site (if you have not already done so). We’ll send an email to Students with information on how to access the online session videos.
The sole purpose of our online Program is to support and facilitate healing for individuals and groups. As such, we ask that each student consider making a personal commitment to the following:
  • Healing for yourself, and when you are ready and able, to helping others heal (i.e. pay it forward).
  • Treating others with kindness, acceptance, and respect (i.e. the way you would want to be treated). 
We are here to facilitate your healing journey, but no one can do the healing work for you. Healing and recovery requires greater understanding and a consistent practice. With safety and loving support, we each have the power within to make this journey. We look forward to making the journey together!


Helen Morrish
Feb 20, 2020
thank you so much
olga sorenson
Nov 9, 2020
don't have a comment yet.. just beginning